The deep depression over the Bay of Bengal has brought heavy and continuous rains which devastated the State of Tamil Nadu recently. The state is battling one of the worst floods in history. Several districts were submerged leaving a trail of death and destruction. The toll in the devastating floods has reached over 190 dead. More than 2,500 villagers are badly affected and 60 % of the capital city of Chennai is underwater. Thousands of families are still stranded and awaiting help across the state.
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Volunteers of Sewabharathi are toiling day and night and extending their help to rescue and relief operations. 1250 volunteers of Seva Bharati are in the relief and rescue efforts across Chennai, Cuddalore and the Northern Districts of Tiruvallur and Kancheepuram. Rescue operations, food, medicines, candles and drinking water were the urgent requirements.
The destruction of their homes and other infrastructure forced countless people to become homeless. They had lost all their treasured items, household appliances, and many more. In order to support the victims to get back on their feet, the victims were provided with the basic essentials including:
Sewa International Australia’s School Kit includes a year’s supply of Stationary to included as part of their School Bag.
Special moments in life are thereby blessed by supporting the needy around us. Read more and join our Mangalanidhi program.
The goal of Maithreyee Gurukulam is to introduce the system of education based on the Rishi Culture.